Tool for removing Mac dot files from removable media

“Clean and eject” is a small tool that will clean most of the OSX created dot files that pollute every removable drive you plug into your mac. Just download, unzip, and drag while holding cmd into your Finder’s toolbar.

Click here to download or read below on how create the app yourself.

Eject prompt

The app is very simple. It is just a bash script inserted into an Automator app. You can grab the script here:

# Script for cleaning MacOS related trash (dot files and folders)
# from a removable disk and unmounting that disk.
# Script does sanity checks, should be safe, but use at your own risk!
# Newest version can always be found at
# Display a dialog box.
# $1 - title
# $2 - message
# $3 - icon (default "caution")
# $4 - buttons (default "OK")
# Prints the button that was pressed.
function osa_message {
local answer=$(osascript -e "display dialog \"$2\" buttons ${4:-\"OK\"} \
default button 1 with title \"$1\" with icon ${3:-caution}")
echo ${answer#"button returned:"}
# Check if path was passed as an argument.
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# No? Get current Finder path (useful for running this from Finder toolbar).
folder=$(osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to POSIX path of (folder of front window as alias)')
# Strip trailing slash.
# Check if disk can be unmounted.
if ! $(diskutil info $folder | \
grep -q "\s\+Removable Media:\s\+Removable"); then
osa_message "Error" "Device at $folder is not marked as removable." stop > /dev/null
# Ask to proceed.
proceed=$(osa_message \
"Unmount $folder?" \
"Do you want to remove all Mac related hidden files and folders and eject disk?" \
"caution" \
"{\"Eject\", \"Cancel\"}")
if [ "$proceed" == "Eject" ]; then
# Remove all meta data (._ files).
dot_clean -m $folder
# Remove trashes.
rm -rf "$folder/.Trashes"
# Remove spotlight data.
rm -rf "$folder/.Spotlight-V100"
# Remove other stuff.
rm -rf "$folder/.fseventsd"
# Eject the disk.
if ! eject_output=$(diskutil eject $folder 2>&1); then
# Something went wrong when ejecting.
osa_message "Error" "$eject_output" stop > /dev/null

Insert the script into a new Automator application (not a workflow), save, and that’s it. You can now cmd + drag your app into the toolbar.
Script inside Automator app.
I have changed the icon in mine to represent the eject button. To do that just look at the files inside the app package.

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